Friday, October 29, 2010

Other Common Problems Preventing SCCM Client Installation

Over the last 4 days, we have covered several of the common items that prevent SCCM Client installation and operation. Today we will cover a few more common issues, such as the dreaded VAPPDeploy registration issue, and common issues with the Windows Installer Itself.

Fixing Issues related to VAPPDeploy Registration

If you see in the CCMSetup log errors relating to an inability to properly register VAppDeploy.DLL, the underlying problem is very likely a DLL registration problem, but it is not with VAppDeploy.dll. The real problem is likely with an improper version of the ATL.dll being registered from a prior version of the SCCM/SMS client. You can try to register the ATL.dll file by running regsvr32 atl.dll /s and then trying to reinstall the client. If that still fails due to a VAppDeploy registration problem, perform a complete client wipe as was described in the Duplicate GUID article making sure that the CCM folder (%WIN%\system32\ccm) is removed. VAppDeploy should no longer be a reason why the client doesn't install.

Fixing Issues Relating to Installer Error 1601

If you are seeing the client installation fail due to 1601 errors, the problem is with the Windows installer itself. To address these errors, simply run MSIEXEC /unreg /q on the machine. Wait about 5 seconds, and then run MSIEXEC /regserver /q. This process should reregister the Installer on the system allowing it to respond to the CCMSetup process.

Fixing Issues Relating to Installer Error 1651

1651 errors are usually indicative of installation components not being fully present; however the SCCM client does a pretty good job of making sure it has everything before launching the Windows Installer. If you are seeing these errors pop up, they are usually indicative that 1 of 2 things are going on:
  1. The machine needs a reboot to complete a previous installation, or
  2. The machine is not running a current version of the Windows Installer
Needless to say, start with the reboot to see if that clears things up. If not, reinstall the Windows Installer using the latest version available.

Resolving Issues related to "Another installation is running"

At times, installers, including the SCCM Installer, do not properly close their sessions with the Windows Installer Service leaving the Installer Service believing that another installation is currently in progress. If you perform this process with another installation in progress, you will abnormally stop the current installation and leave the machine in an "unknown" state. If you are 100% certain another installer is not running, simply do the following:
  1. Stop the CCMSetup service, if present and running
  2. Using Task Manager, kill any CCMSetup, CCMClean, and CCMExec processes that are running
  3. Reconfirm your believe that no other installations should be running at this time
  4. Using Task Manager, kill any MSIEXEC processes that are running. When you kill the one associated with the Windows Installer service, another will immediately respawn; this is fine. We just need to kill the "old" ones.
  5. Run MSIEXEC /unreg /q; wait 5 secs; run MSIEXEC /regserver /q
  6. Try reinstalling the client; the system should no longer think that a previous installation is currently running.


Hopefully this week's articles help you get through your client remediation issues. If you think there are any common solutions that I have missed, feel free to drop a comment.

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